The INTEREACH Community is comprised of and led by volunteers.
Anyone is welcome to join our group and to contribute vocally to its direction by attending our monthly webinars, leading and participating in virtual pop-up events, and enaging with the listserv.
Go to the "JOIN US" page from our home page to sign up for our listserv.
Christine Ogilvie Hendren, PhD
Kristine Glauber, phd
Amalia Turner, PHD
INTEREACH is Co-chaired by Kristine, Christine, and Amalia, who share the work of programming, strategic direction, and coordination with the community of practice.
Amalia Turner serves as the Team Science Training & Education Coordinator for the Clinical & Translational Science Institute and as a Research Navigator for the Office of Research Initiatives at Duke University.
Kristine Glauber serves as Director for the Clinical & Translational Science Institute Team Science Core at Duke University.
Christine Ogilvie Hendren serves as Interim Vice Provost for Research & Innovation, Director of the Research Institute for Environment, Energy, & Economics, and Professor in the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina; and as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Duke University.
Hannah Love, PhD
Alyssa Stephens
2021-2022 Academic year INTEREACH Webinar Series Co-Hosts “The Art & Science of Making Meaningful Moments - Subtle Strategies & Creative Conditions for Effective & Uplifting Facilitation“. Hannah is a co-founder of Divergent Science, LLC; Alyssa is founder of Cactus Consulting, LLC.
Spring 2021 INTEREACH Webinar Series Host ““Boundary Spanning Tools for Research Teams”. Bethany is an Integration & Implementation Specialist with Laursen Evaluation & Design, LLC, and serves as Assistant Dean for the Graduate School, Michigan State University
The INTEREACH community of practice was able to nucleate and gain momentum based on shared dedication and curiosity of a broad group catalyzed by a core starting group.
gabriele Bammer, bsc ba PHD
Dr. Bammer’s generosity of time and insight as an established Science of Team Science scholar was critical to the community formation. She is a Professor at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Research School of Population Health, Australian National University, founder and host of the I2insights Repository and Blog, and and web host of our Webinar Archives at the I2S YouTube.
holly J. falk-krzesinski, PhD
Dr. Falk-Krzesinski’s generosity of time and insight as an established Science of Team Science scholar was critical to the community formation. She serves as Vice President, Global Academic Relations, Elsevier / Adjunct Senior Instructor, School of Professional Studies, Northwestern University.
Christine Ogilvie Hendren, PhD
Dr. Hendren founded the INTEREACH community of practice in 2015.