2024-2025 Panel Series: "Intentional Integration: How do we know if it’s working?"
The INTEREACH Community of Practice is thrilled to announce our series for the 2024-2025 academic year, “‘Intentional Integration: How do we know if it’s working?”. Through a series of conversations, panels, and presentations, we will explore approaches to evaluating team science outcomes. We’ve spent a good deal of time discussing career paths, facilitation methods, and tools for integrating across boundaries. A frequent recent topic of conversations in our own teams and across this community of practice has been how to assess and improve the outcomes of our boundary spanning methods. Do our interventions work as we expected? How can we measure the impacts of team science approaches on individuals, teams, and the intended outcomes of those teams’ work together? What should we even be measuring to evaluate whether team science approaches are creating the conditions and outcomes that we intend? We look forward to conversations with education researchers, evaluators, practitioners, and all those interested in learning about and shaping this topic.
Dates, Topics, Speakers & Affiliations
September 10th kick-off: “Convergence Research – What is it? What do we need to know about it?” with panelists Joy Frechtling (Westat) and Lisa Christen Gajary (Caspian Strategy & Analytics, LLC and The Ohio State University).
October 8th: “System Factors that can Supercharge (or Sabotage) Team Science” with Rebecca Woodland (University of Massachusetts - Amherst).
November 12th: “Wicked Problems and Wicked Challenges: Measuring Convergence in Graduate Education” with panelists Gail Jones (North Carolina State University) and Daniel Laxman (Arizona State University)
December 10th: “Unpacking ‘convergence culture’: Exploring the operationalization of convergence in teams” with Marisa Rinkus (Michigan State University)
February 11th: “Integration in Action: Enhancing Team Science Through Collaborative Practices” with Colleen Cuddy (Stanford University)
April 8th: “Evaluating Convergence Methods in Large Research Centers” with panelists Jason Owen-Smith (University of Michigan), Levent Atici (North Carolina State University), and Maude Cuchiara (North Carolina State University)
May 13th: Maritza Salazar Campo (University of California - Irvine)
June 10th: Shalini Misra, Megan Rippy, and Stanley Grant (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Stay tuned for more updates!
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