Constance McGuire, PhD, Director of Community Relationships, Engagement Initiative Newkirk Center for Science & Society, University of California, Irvine
Victoria Lowerson Bredow, PhD, Director of Engaged Scholarship, Engagement Initiative Newkirk Center for Science & Society, University of California, Irvine
Community Based Participatory Research is now a well-established field through which, in theory, the lay public is integrated into research practices both in design and implementation of research. Ideally, the resulting research will answer questions that are relevant to those most impacted by our collective social, environmental, and technical problems. Major funders such as the NIH, NSF and major foundations are increasingly requiring a community engagement element or approach in grant applications as a way to demonstrate relevance and significance. A few grant opportunities even specify CBPR. But how does CBPR get integrated into Team Science? What are the challenges and benefits of using community based methods as one or more components of a Scientific Team and how do scientific and lay person knowledge get integrated in each stage of the process from grant writing to data collection, analysis and write up?
In this webinar, Drs. Victoria Lowerson Bredow and Connie McGuire will tell the story of how, in their work as co-directors of the community-based research Initiative at the Newkirk Center for Science & Society at UC Irvine, have been both conceptualizing and enacting the integration of Community-based Research into a Team Science effort that integrates a community-based non-profit organization and researchers in Public Health, Pediatrics, Epidemiology, Family Medicine, Cultural Anthropology, and Law. They will highlight some of the tools they have developed, the practices with which they have experimented, and the emerging lessons from this dynamic research practice.