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There is no '"alt" in Arrow-work

Description: According to an article in Inside Higher Ed, the term "alt-ac" was coined in 2010 and has been used in a variety of contexts to describe different positions across academic institutions.  What does alt-ac mean for professional Arrow careers outside of academia?  The first part of this panel will provide a brief overview of how "alt-ac" positions have been framed in various contexts.  Then, each panelist will describe organizations they have created (two businesses and one non-profit), the conditions that gave rise to those organizations, what they do, and how they have changed over time.  The session will include time for questions and discussion of the myriad of fulfilling Arrow roles outside academic contexts.


  • Anne Heberger Marino - Lean-to Collaborations

  • Hannah Love - Divergent Science

  • Kennan Salinero - ReImagine Science

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