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A Pathway for Team Science Professionals: The First National Credential in Team Science

Description: Team Science Professionals (TSP)—educators, scholars, and practitioners of Team Science—currently lack a clearly defined training and career pathway. This webinar will focus on the TSP Digital Badge Initiative, an effort by the newly formed Association for Clinical & Translational Science (ACTS) TSP Special Interest Group to provide one such pathway by establishing the first national credential in Team Science. This national credential will include trainings and interventions that are tied to existing Team Science competency frameworks, allowing for dissemination of the latest evidence-based practices in Team Science. There are also plans to incorporate a mentorship model, where mentors meet with aspiring professionals to review their portfolio of materials, ideally fostering new collaborations for TSP across the Clinical & Translational Science Award (CTSA) consortium. As we are still in the early days of this Digital Badge Initiative, we look forward to hearing suggestions and ideas from the broader INTEREACH community.


  • Patrick Kelly - University of Wisconsin - Madison

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