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July 2019 Webinar - Teamwork and the Tech Sector

Presenter: Kennan Kellaris Salinero, PhD, Executive Director of ReImagine Science

Description: Working with big data in the early days of genomics taught Kennan Salinero the need to cross the individual to group divide…and how poorly some parts of science do that.  This prompted Kennan to co-found ReImagine Science, a 501(c)3, with part of its mission being to identify and investigate new ways of doing work together.  The fact that engineers, and the tech sector, have been organizing diverse teams of high achievers across challenging divides for many decades has afforded a rich domain to explore.  Some team processes have persisted over many decades, and are currently exploding in their adoption.  Others, like Agile, have been declared a failed experiment.  Join us to explore what has been learned from these other sectors, and which useful insights might be a good fit for team science.