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2023-2024 Panel Series: "I want to be a professional Arrow when I grow up”: Pathways and opportunities for a new workforce’.

September 12th will kick off our webinar series for the upcoming academic year, “I want to be a professional Arrow when I grow up:” Pathways and opportunities for a new workforce. The INTEREACH community of practice was formed in 2015 around the dual mission of developing the profession and providing professional development for those wanting to make a career out of integrative, connective work. A good deal has changed since then, and this series will allow us to explore the trajectory of this field together. Each month, we will examine the currently available opportunities for education, training, and employment for those who want to be professional Arrows, and we will hear from some of the individuals that have created or participated in those opportunities.

Dates, Topics, Speakers & Affiliations

  • September 12 kick-off: Taking stock of our growing community of practice

    • Christine Ogilvie Hendren (Appalachian State University), Kristine Glauber (Duke University), and Amalia Turner (Duke University)

  • October 10: Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) as “the arrow”

    • Panelists: Gabriele Bammer (Australian National University), Bethany Laursen (University of Michigan), and Christine Ogilvie Hendren (Appalachian State University)

  • November 14: Arrows in academia, Part 1: Non-tenure track

    • Panelists: Gemma Jiang (Colorado State University), Marisa Rinkus (Michigan State University), Stephanie Vasko (Michigan State University), and Kristine Glauber (Duke University)

  • December 12: Arrows in academia, Part 2: Researching teams and being a science team member

    • Panelists: Jeni Cross (Colorado State University), Stephen Fiore (University of Central Florida), and Holly Hapke (University of California - Irvine)

  • January 9: There is no '"alt" in Arrow-work

    • Panelists: Anne Heberger Marino (Lean-to Collaborations), Hannah Love (Divergent Science), and Kennan Salinero (ReImagine Science)

  • February 13: Convergence Postdocs: Being the Arrows in a Large STC

    • Panelists: Kim Bourne (Appalachian State University), Alison Deviney (North Carolina State University), and Ashton Merck (North Carolina State University)

  • March 12: The Explicit Teaching of Collaborative Competencies

    • Panelists: Vicky Klima (Appalachian State University), Katie Plaisance (University of Waterloo), and Pips Veazey (University of Maine)

  • May 14: Professional Development and Developing the Profession for Arrows: Making the Integrator Visible

    • Panelists: Anne Salmi (University of Oulu, Finland) and Stephanie Briers (ETH Zurich)

  • June 11: A Pathway for Team Science Professionals: The First National Credential in Team Science

    • Presenter: Patrick Kelly (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

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