September 12th, 2023: Taking stock of our growing community of practice

Click HERE to view the September 12th, 2023 webinar hosted by the INTEREACH Leadership Team: Christine Ogilvie Hendren, Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences and Director of the Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics (RIEEE) at Appalachian State University; Kristine Glauber, Senior Research Program Leader for the Team Science Core of the Duke University Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI); and Amalia Turner, Training and Education Coordinator for the Team Science Core of the Duke CTSI. In this kick-off to the fall webinar series, “I want to be a professional Arrow when I grow up’: Pathways and opportunities for a new workforce,” the INTEREACH Leadership Team re-visited the motivation behind forming this community of practice and examined how the community has grown and changed over time. INTEREACH members were invited to connect with one other in small groups and capture thoughts about the value and the future of INTEREACH in interactive Jamboards.