Click HERE to view the sixth installment of our series: “I want to be a professional Arrow when I grow up: Pathways and opportunities for a new workforce,” in which panelists Kimberly Bourne, Post-doc at Appalachian State University; Alison Deviney and Ashton Merck, Post-docs at North Carolina State University share their experiences navigating personal and professional growth as post-docs in a large NSF-funded convergence center, the Science and Technology for Phosphorous Sustainability Center (STEPS Center). In the first part of the panel discussion INTEREACH founder, Christine Hendren, contextualizes the panelists’ roles in the Center by briefly summarizing its work and origins (for a full description, watch the webinar HERE). Then using their job descriptions as boundary objects, the three panelist discuss and share insights into their roles, their visions for their own future career paths, and how to support the creation and success of future convergence post-docs.