October 13th: Understanding How to Use 3D Team Leadership 

Click here to view the October 13th webinar featuring Bradley Kirkman, Professor Department of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University. In this webinar, Dr Kirkman gives us a high level overview from his book, 3D Team Leadership, which was born out of a recognition that books about Team Management were written about what he terms “yesterday’s teams”. He describes the characteristics of “today’s teams” as being highly dynamic in terms of interdependence, membership and duration of existence, for example, and addresses some of the challenges that today’s team leaders face in balancing the needs of the individual team members and the team as a whole. In this engaging and at times humorous webinar, Dr Kirkman shares with us the importance of focus (e.g. what to focus on, and when), and how to do so, when leading teams in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. The powerpoint slides and, a Team Charter used with MBA students are both available.