November 10th: Adapting and designing interdisciplinary training programs to prioritize (and excel because of) diversity, equity and inclusion

Click here to view the November 10th webinar featuring Nicole Motzer, Assistant Director for Interdisciplinary Science, at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center. In this webinar, Dr Motzer shares her process, motivations and outcomes in developing a graduate interdisciplinary training program that prioritizes diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in socio-environmental synthesis research. She makes the case that DEI is a foundational and required component for conducting complex, interdisciplinary science aimed at addressing society’s most pressing needs. She then describes how to workshop was designed (and subsequently adapted for a virtual platform), and conducted. She finally ends with some lessons learned and recommendations, followed by a Q&A session. The training schedule for DEI in S-E Synthesis workshop, and an example request for proposals are provided at this link.