December 8th: Editorial Facilitation in Team Science: A proposed intervention to incentivize and reward collaborative, reproducible, open research

The December 8th webinar featured Sarah Greene, CEO and Founder of Rapid Science, a non-profit organization that develops tools and processes to promote collaboration as a means of accelerating discovery (due to confidentiality agreements, this content cannot be made available on the web). In this webinar, Ms Greene laid out the motivations, programs and tools implemented by Rapid Science to begin to address systemic problems of the scientific establishment associated with hyper-competition. She discussed the 4 components of the work of Rapid Science in accelerating innovation and translation: (1) advocacy for mandates from funding agencies for the conduct of open, transparent research, (2) creating tools for collaborating, (3) facilitating team interactions, and (4) the re-imaging and creation of incentives and rewards for collaborating. She proposed a new professional role of “Editorial Facilitator” (EF), who would promote team sharing and internal peer review of incremental findings, null results, and insights within a scientific consortium. From these discussions the EF would create a continually updated “Collaborative Review” citing the team’s early results in the context of the field’s latest published evidence.